Monday, December 22, 2008

If I Could Go Back to the Future I'd do It All the Same

What’s black, white and covered in red ink? The answer to this great riddle will have to come at the end of this passage. As for now, I have to get something off my chest. Throughout my educational history I’ve come to the realization that I can not complete and assignment unless the deadline is uncomfortably near. 

When the pressure is on, I am on fire like those hand-rolled “cigarettes” hippies used to smoke atop the César Chavez Student Center.  Seriously, there is nothing better then experiencing the crunch of a deadline, putting pen to paper and just hammering it (an assignment) out. You know what? Perhaps, it is my lust for deadlines that’s lead me to aspire for a career in the extremely fast paced media industry. If and when I start my career in the media industry, my procrastination will have better prepared to handle the day to day pressure of “getting the story.”

Once more I pose the question, what’s black, white and covered in red ink? The answer: my papers. Nobody likes to procrastinate, although we all do it. Nearing the end of my stay here at SFSU I have come to grips with my obsession to race against the clock. I now know what it takes as well as how long it takes to turn a story. And guess what? Oops, I did it again.



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