Thursday, September 4, 2008

Student at work

As I sit, brainstorming Blog topics on my white porcelain lazy boy. I try to picture a common ground all if not most of us share. Then, like the scent of a silent but deadly flatulence, it hits me... jobs! They often take you by surprise, and they sometimes stink.

First things first, we must decipher the difference between a job, and a career. Since we are all in upper division college courses our careers are so close we can smell them, their bouquet tickles our nostrils with anticipation. Careers are what we are going to college for. More then just a job, a career is a passion. We’ve consumed four years of knowledge, and like any good student I can’t wait to drop my tidbits of learned wisdom into the proverbial media pool.

But for now, most of us will continue to work at cafes, restaurants, retail stores, and other customer service type jobs. It is these jobs which barely cover the financial burden we call college. I personally love to hate them or hate to love them, it’s complicated...

In my Blog, I plan to deliver an open stall for all to dump their clean breaks, and their dirty deeds from current and past jobs. When looking back, I was blown away by my list of the fifteen different jobs I’ve held since age fifteen. Don’t be fooled by a list of this magnitude, I have yet to be fired. I take pride in my work, and I have strong work ethics.

I compiled a top three list of my least pleasant jobs, it goes as follows: 3) Busboy, 2) Flower delivery driver, and 1) Christmas tree lot attendant. I dare anyone in the class to beat my list. Mike Rowe’s got nothing on me!(F.Y.I. he’s the host of Dirty Jobs.)

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